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27.04.2020 - Keven

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Can you put it on the scales, please? .html goodrx health insurance I can see why some people might like this movie. Personally, I think the idea is brilliant. Very loosely based on the life story of actual White House butler Eugene Allen, the film chronicles the life of Cecil Gaines, played admirably by Forrest Whitaker, as he escapes the cruel life of a day laborer in the South in the 1920’s, to find work as a house servant, moving quickly through the ranks to eventually serve as head butler at the White House due to his powerful work ethic, his attention to detail, and his refusal to involve himself politically. Working for the President from Eisenhower all the way through Reagan, Gaines is privy and present for almost every major event of the Civil Rights era. It is here, though, that the narrative begins to go awry somewhat. Watching the painful growing pains of the nation through the eyes of a man who was both on the inside and outside of that particular struggle is a great concept. In execution, however, it feels more like a low rent “Forrest Gump,” where a sincere effort at serious drama is sabotaged by a misguided attempt to make the character too important, too central, and as a result just comes off as silly. Add to that some of the most bizarre stunt casting I’ve ever seen, and you have a bad movie made worse by the terrible missed opportunity.

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